1. Features
  2. Theming



Explore the possibilities of theming in GridCraft data grid tables. Learn how to customize the appearance of your grid to match your application's design and branding, creating a cohesive user experience in your SvelteKit applications.

Introduction to Theming in GridCraft

GridCraft provides a powerful theming system that allows you to customize the appearance of your data grid tables to suit your application’s design and branding. Each theme in GridCraft is represented by an object containing a defined structure of Svelte components.

GridCraft doesn’t render any HTML code or text. The entire structure is provided by themes.

This means, you have full access to the structure of the rendered grid and you can modify existing themes or create your own to achieve the desired look and feel and html structure.

Using Themes

Import Theme
Modify Theme (Optional)
Assign Theme

Switching Themes at Runtime

You can dynamically switch themes during runtime to provide users with different visual experiences. Here’s an example of how to switch between PlainTableTheme and PrelineTheme:

    import { Grid, GridFooter, PrelineTheme, PlainTableCssTheme } from "@mediakular/gridcraft";
    let theme = PlainTableCssTheme;

<button on:click={() => theme = PlainTableCssTheme}>Plain Css Theme</button>
<button on:click={() => theme = PrelineTheme}>Preline Theme</button>

<Grid ... {theme}/>
<GridFooter {theme}/>

Using Predefined Themes

PlainTableCss Theme

The PlainTableCSS is the default theme of GridCraft and offers a seamless solution for integrating customizable grid layouts into your projects. With support for both light and dark modes, this theme provides versatility and adaptability to suit your design preferences. By leveraging CSS classes and variables, you can effortlessly modify the appearance of your grid, ensuring it seamlessly integrates with your project’s aesthetic.

Main Variables for Customization

In most cases it might be already sufficient to adjust the following main variables:

Variable Default light Default dark
—gc-main-color #e2e8f0 #1e293b
—gc-secondary-color #f1f5f9 #334155
—gc-tertiary-color white #293647
—gc-text-color #2a2a2a #e8e7e7
—gc-color-selected #bae6fd88 #155e75cc

To override these variables while accommodating dark mode, use the following approach:

html { /* or :global(html) when in component context*/
    /* Light Mode */
    --gc-main-color: #e2e8f0;
    --gc-secondary-color: #f1f5f9;
    --gc-text-color: #2a2a2a;
    --gc-color-selected: #bae6fd88;

html.dark { /* or :global(html.dark) when in component context*/
    /* Dark Mode */
    --gc-main-color: #1e293b;
    --gc-secondary-color: #334155;
    --gc-tertiary-color: #293647;
    --gc-text-color: #e8e7e7;
    --gc-color-selected: #155e75cc;

Additional Customization Variables

Show all additional variables
Variable Default Value Description
—gc-transitions all 0.2s ease-in-out Transition effect for grid elements
—gc-table-bg-color var(—gc-main-color) Background color of the grid table
—gc-table-color var(—gc-text-color) Text color of the grid table
—gc-table-header-bg-color var(—gc-main-color) Background color of the grid table header
—gc-table-radius 5px Border radius of the grid table
—gc-th-padding 0.5rem 0.75rem Padding for table header cells
—gc-th-gap 0.25rem Gap between table header cells
—gc-th-color var(—gc-text-color) Text color of table header cells
—gc-th-text-transform uppercase Text transformation of table header text
—gc-th-text-align left Text alignment of table header text
—gc-th-font-size small Font size of table header text
—gc-th-tr-border 1px solid var(—gc-secondary-color) Border style for table header cells
—gc-td-padding 0.5rem 0.75rem Padding for table data cells
—gc-td-text-align left Text alignment of table data cells
—gc-td-text-align-checkbox center Text alignment of checkbox in table data cells
—gc-td-content-font-size small Font size of table data content
—gc-td-content-color var(—gc-text-color) Text color of table data content
—gc-td-content-color-odd var(—gc-text-color) Text color of odd-numbered table rows
—gc-tr-border 1px solid var(—gc-main-color) Border style for table rows
—gc-tr-bg-color var(—gc-secondary-color) Background color of table rows
—gc-tr-bg-color-odd var(—gc-secondary-color) Background color of odd-numbered table rows
—gc-tr-bg-color-selected var(—gc-color-selected) Background color of selected table rows
—gc-tr-groupby-border 1px solid var(—gc-secondary-color) Border style for grouped table rows
—gc-tr-groupby-bg-color var(—gc-main-color) Background color of grouped table rows
—gc-td-groupby-content-color var(—gc-text-color) Text color of content in grouped table rows
—gc-td-groupby-padding 0.5rem 0.75rem Padding for content in grouped table rows
—gc-td-groupby-gap 0.25rem Gap between content in grouped table rows
—gc-tr-groupby-selected-bg var(—gc-color-selected) Background color of selected grouped table rows
—gc-footer-gap 1rem Gap size for footer elements
—gc-footer-justify flex-end Justification for footer elements
—gc-footer-margin 0.5rem 0 Margin for footer elements
—gc-footer-padding 0.5rem 0.75rem Padding for footer elements
—gc-footer-border-radius 0.25rem Border radius for footer elements
—gc-footer-font-size 0.875rem Font size for footer elements
—gc-footer-button-gap 0.5rem Gap size between footer buttons
—gc-footer-button-border-radius 0.25rem Border radius for footer buttons
—gc-footer-button-padding 0.5rem 0.75rem Padding for footer buttons
—gc-footer-bg-color var(—gc-secondary-color) Background color for footer
—gc-footer-border 1px solid var(—gc-main-color) Border style for footer
—gc-footer-color var(—gc-text-color) Text color for footer elements
—gc-footer-button-bg-color var(—gc-secondary-color) Background color for footer buttons
—gc-footer-button-border 1px solid var(—gc-secondary-color) Border color for the footer buttons
Show all additional variables css code
--gc-transitions: all 0.2s ease-in-out;

--gc-table-bg-color: var(--gc-main-color);
--gc-table-color: var(--gc-text-color);
--gc-table-header-bg-color: var(--gc-main-color);
--gc-table-radius: 5px;

--gc-th-padding: 0.5rem 0.75rem;
--gc-th-gap: 0.25rem;
--gc-th-color: var(--gc-text-color);
--gc-th-text-transform: uppercase;
--gc-th-text-align: left;
--gc-th-font-size: small;
--gc-th-tr-border: 1px solid var(--gc-secondary-color);

--gc-td-padding: 0.5rem 0.75rem;
--gc-td-text-align: left;
--gc-td-text-align-checkbox: center;

--gc-td-content-font-size: small;
--gc-td-content-color: var(--gc-text-color);
--gc-td-content-color-odd: var(--gc-text-color);

--gc-tr-border: 1px solid var(--gc-main-color);
--gc-tr-bg-color: var(--gc-secondary-color);
--gc-tr-bg-color-odd: var(--gc-secondary-color);
--gc-tr-bg-color-selected: var(--gc-color-selected);

--gc-tr-groupby-border: 1px solid var(--gc-secondary-color);

--gc-tr-groupby-bg-color: var(--gc-main-color);
--gc-td-groupby-content-color: var(--gc-text-color);
--gc-td-groupby-padding: 0.5rem 0.75rem;
--gc-td-groupby-gap: 0.25rem;
--gc-tr-groupby-selected-bg: var(--gc-color-selected);

--gc-footer-gap: 1rem;
--gc-footer-justify: flex-end;
--gc-footer-margin: 0.5rem 0;
--gc-footer-padding: 0.5rem 0.75rem;
--gc-footer-border-radius: 0.25rem;
--gc-footer-font-size: 0.875rem;

--gc-footer-button-gap: 0.5rem;
--gc-footer-button-border-radius: 0.25rem;
--gc-footer-button-padding: 0.5rem 0.75rem;
--gc-footer-bg-color: var(--gc-secondary-color);
--gc-footer-border: 1px solid var(--gc-main-color);
--gc-footer-color: var(--gc-text-color);
--gc-footer-button-bg-color: var(--gc-secondary-color);
--gc-footer-button-border: 1px solid var(--gc-secondary-color);
--gc-footer-button-hover-bg-color: var(--gc-secondary-color);

PlainTable Theme

The PlainTable theme is not your typical theme for GridCraft. Instead, it serves as a robust foundation for developers looking to create their own custom themes. Designed with simplicity and flexibility in mind, PlainTable provides a clean slate for theme development, offering a starting point for crafting unique and tailored grid designs. While not intended for direct usage, PlainTable empowers developers to dive into theme customization, unleashing their creativity to build themes that perfectly align with their project requirements.

Here you can find the code of the PlainTable theme here on github.

Preline Theme

The PrelineTheme is based on the design of Preline. To use the PrelineTheme, you need to install Tailwind CSS and include the necessary Svelte components in your Tailwind configuration file, so all classes get indexed:

export default {
  content: [
    //or: './node_modules/@mediakular/gridcraft/dist/themes/**/*.svelte' in order to support all themes
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  plugins: [

CardsPlus Theme

The CardsPlus theme follows the new approach of rendering rows as cards. The theme also uses Tailwind CSS, so you also need to include the necessary Svelte components in your Tailwind configuration file, so all classes get indexed:

export default {
  content: [
     //or: './node_modules/@mediakular/gridcraft/dist/themes/**/*.svelte' in order to support all themes
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  plugins: [

Overwriting Existing Themes

You can also overwrite existing themes to make specific changes without creating a completely new theme. Here’s an example of how to modify a theme by replacing the grid container component:

  import { Grid, PlainTableTheme } from "@mediakular/gridcraft";
  import MyTableContainer from "$lib/components/grid/theme/MyTableContainer.svelte";

  let theme = PlainTableTheme;
  theme.grid.container = MyTableContainer;

<Grid ... {theme} />

This way, you can tailor the themes in GridCraft to meet the unique requirements of your application’s design. Experiment with different themes and configurations to find the perfect fit for your project.

Theme Structure

If you want to change certain parts of your chosen theme or if you want to create your own theme you can refer to the following GridTheme type:

export type GridTheme = {
    grid: {
        container: ComponentType;
        header: {
            container: ComponentType,
            row: ComponentType,
            content: ComponentType,
            checkbox: ComponentType,
            sortIndicator: ComponentType,
        groupby: {
            container: ComponentType,
            checkbox: ComponentType,
            cell: ComponentType,
            content: ComponentType,
            rowsCount: ComponentType,
        body: {
            container: ComponentType,
            row: ComponentType,
            cell: ComponentType,
            checkbox: ComponentType,
            content: ComponentType
    footer: ComponentType;
    paging: ComponentType;

Creating a Custom Theme

If you want create your custom theme the best way to get started is to copy the PlainTableTheme theme. This theme is the most basic table theme, without any styles or classes and serves perfectly as a template for your own theme.

You can copy PlainTableTheme into your own project and transform it to fit your needs.

Here you can find the code on GitHub.

After you have adapted the .svelte files of your template, you can change the name of your new theme in the index.ts file in the root of the theme:

const MyFirstTableTheme : GridTheme = {
    footer: Footer,
    paging: Paging,
    grid: {

export default MyFirstTableTheme;

… and use it on your grid:

  import MyFirstTableTheme from "$lib/components/grid/theme/my-first-table-theme"

  let theme = MyFirstTableTheme;

<Grid ... {theme} />