1. Features
  2. Columns



Learn how to customize columns in your GridCraft data table to suit your specific data presentation needs. Explore various options for defining custom column headers, formatting, and behavior to enhance the clarity and usability of your applications.

Learn how to define custom columns in your GridCraft data table to tailor the data presentation to your specific needs.

We can use custom column definitions to:

  • display custom formatting (Dates, Currencies, etc.)
  • calculated values (calculating numbers, dates, etc.)
  • columns with custom object data or multiple values (displaying avatar, name and email in one column)
  • custom visualization (graphs, sliders, etc.)
  • display links/buttons (for opening dialoges/modals, links, etc.)

Simple Custom Columns Definition

The simplest way to define custom columns in GridCraft is by specifying an array of GridColumn objects and binding it to the columns property of the Grid component.

Here’s how you can define custom columns in your Svelte component:

import { Grid, type GridColumn } from "@mediakular/gridcraft";

// Example interface
interface Client {
    id: string;
    firstname: string;
    lastname: string;
    age: number;
    birthdate: Date;

export let data: PageData;

let clients: Client[] = data.clients;

let columns: GridColumn<Client>[] = [
        key: 'firstname', 
        title: 'First Name'
        key: 'lastname', 
        title: 'Last Name'
        key: 'age', 
        title: 'Age'
        key: 'birthdate', 
        title: 'Birthday'

    bind:columns />

In this example, we define an array of GridColumn objects representing custom columns for a data table of clients. Each GridColumn object specifies the key (data property key) and title (column header title) for the column.

Replace { clients } with your actual data, and adjust the columns array as needed to define custom columns for your specific data table.

Hide / Show Columns

To hide a column you can set the column property visible to false. This allows you for example to initially hide some columns, which can be displayed later by the user when needed.

Abraham Baker Abraham.Baker@gmail.com
Adem Lane Adem.Lane@icloud.com
Adil Floyd Adil.Floyd@icloud.com
Adriana O'Sullivan Adriana.OSullivan@protonmail.com
Alec Whitten AW_41@yahoo.com
let columns: GridColumn<Client>[] = [
        key: 'firstname', 
        title: 'First Name',
        visible: false
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Column Sorting

By default column sorting is enabled for all columns. If you would like to disable column sorting all you need to do is to set the column property sortable to false.

let columns: GridColumn<Client>[] = [
        key: 'firstname', 
        title: 'First Name',
        sortable: false

Custom sort value

You can define for each column a custom sort value which will be used for sorting the column instead of the actual value. To do so you only need to define a function sortValue in the specific column definition:

interface Image {
    file: HTMLImageElement;
    filename: string;

let columns: GridColumn<Image>[] = [
        key: 'file',  // Here we define the file-property as column value
        title: 'File Object',
        sortValue: (row: Image) => row.filename, //... but here we say we want to sort by filename
        renderComponent: HtmlImageCell

Make sure to always provide the function sortValue in case the column value is not sortable or if you’ve defined an accessor function that returns an object.

let columns: GridColumn<Client>[] = [
        accessor: (row: Client) => {
            return {
                firstname: row.firstname,
                lastname: row.lastname,
        sortValue: (row: Client) => {
            return `${row.firstname} ${row.lastname}`

When the sortValue function is defined, the returned value will be used for sorting the column.

Custom Columns with Components

Learn how to define custom columns with custom Svelte components in your GridCraft data table for advanced customization and functionality.

Custom Formatting

You can enhance the functionality and appearance of your GridCraft data table by defining custom columns with custom Svelte components.

Here’s how you can define custom columns with custom Svelte components:

import { Grid, type GridColumn } from "@mediakular/gridcraft";
// Import your custom Svelte component for rendering a formatted date
import DateCell from "$lib/components/DateCell.svelte";

interface Client {
    // ...
    birthdate: Date;

export let data: PageData;
let clients: Client[] = data.clients;

let columns: GridColumn<Client>[] = [
    // ...
        key: 'birthdate', 
        title: 'Birthday',
        renderComponent: DateCell // Custom Svelte component for rendering a formatted date
    // ...

    bind:columns />

In this example, we define custom columns with custom Svelte components for rendering formatted dates.

Replace DateCell with the appropriate names of your custom Svelte components.

Example for the DateCell Component which formats a given date:

  export let value: Date;
  let dateStr: string;

  $:dateStr = value ? (new Date(value)).toLocaleDateString('en-US') : "-";


Calculated Columns

In cases where we require transformed or multiple properties within our Svelte component, we utilize the accessor function property. For instance, consider a scenario where we need to compute the total value before rendering it:

interface Product {
    // ...
    amount: number;
    quantity: number;

let columns: GridColumn<Product>[] = [
    // ...
        key: 'total', 
        title: 'Total Price',
        accessor: (row: Product) => { return row.amount * row.quantity },
        renderComponent: CurrencyCell // Our custom column cell component to render a calculated cell and formatted currency 
    // ...
  export let value: number;
  let formattedCurrency: string;

  $: formattedCurrency = value ? value.toFixed(2) : "-";


Custom Objects

In the previous examples, the calculated result value (result of accessor function) is utilized for sorting the grid column. However, in situations where we need to pass an object into our custom component, using the object itself for column sorting is not feasible. Therefore, we must specify a sortValue function property:

import ClientCell from "$lib/components/ClientCell.svelte";

interface Client {
    // ...
    avatar: string;
    firstname: string;
    lastname: string;
    email: string;

let columns: GridColumn<Client>[] = [
        key: 'name', 
        title: 'Client',
        // Use an accessor to transform row data, which can be used in your custom renderComponent
        accessor: (row: Client) => { 
            return {
                avatar: row.avatar,
                firstname: row.firstname,
                lastname: row.lastname,
                email: row.email
        // as the default search will not work with our accessor data, we have to provide a sortValue which will be used for sorting
        sortValue: (row: Client) => {
            return `${row.firstname} ${row.lastname}`
        renderComponent: ClientCell // Our custom column cell component to render a column with avatar, full name and email

Here an example for the “ClientCell” custom component

    export let avatar: string;
    export let firstname: string;
    export let lastname: string;
    export let email: string;

    $: fullname = `${firstname} ${lastname}`;

<div class="my-client-cell">
    <img src="{avatar}" alt="{fullname}" />
        {#if email}

Custom Visualization

In this example we will display a progress bar as a column to visualize our data.

import ProgressCell from "$lib/components/ProgressCell.svelte";

interface Project {
    // ...
    progress: number;

let maxProgress = 10;

let columns: GridColumn<Project>[] = [
        key: 'progress', 
        title: 'Progress',
        // We will use the accessor function to transform or row data, which will be used in our custom renderComponent
        accessor: (row: Project) => { 
            return {
                value: row.progress,
                max: row.maxProgress
        // as the default search will not work with our accessor data, we have to provide a sortValue which will be used for sorting
        sortValue: (row: Project) => {
            return row.progress;
        renderComponent: ProgressCell 
    export let max: number;
    export let value: number | undefined;
    value = value || 0;

    const percent = 100 / max * value;

    <span>{percent} % ({value} / {max})</span>
    <progress value={value} max={max}>{percent} %</progress>

Action Column

In this example, we’ll demonstrate how to include an action column in your GridCraft data table. The action column allows users to perform actions such as editing or deleting entries.

First, let’s define our action column in the column definition array:

import EditActionsCell from "$lib/components/EditActionsCell.svelte"

let columns: GridColumn<Client>[] = [
    // Other column definitions...
        key: 'actions', // can be any name
        title: 'Client Actions',
        sortable: false,
        accessor: (row: Client) => { 
            return {
                value: row, 
                editClicked: (row: Client) => {  
                    // Perform any action here using any row values (like row.id)
                somethingElseClicked: (row: Client) => {  
                    // Perform another action here
        renderComponent: EditActionsCell

In the accessor function, we return an object containing the value as the row and an editClicked function (and somethingElseClicked function) to handle the action.

Define the EditActionsCell Component

Next, let’s define the EditActionsCell component:

    type T = $$Generic<any>;

    export let value: T;
    export let editClicked: (value: T) => void;
    export let somethingElseClicked: (value: T) => void;

    function handleEditClick() {

    function handleSomeOtherClick() {

<button on:click|preventDefault={handleEditClick}>
<a href="#" on:click|preventDefault={handleSomeOtherClick}>
    Something else

Inline-Edit Column

In order to implement an inline editing feature we need to implement a Custom Column in which we can define the logic that allows us to edit a column. In this example we show a simple text column which value we allow the user to edit showing an edit button and a save button. The edit button will display a text field and the save button allows us to save the change in our database.

Let’s imagine this simple column definition. This column value we will make editable inline:

let columns = [
        key: 'firstname', 
        title: 'First name',


Adapt the Cell Definition

Now that we have the column, we need to define a renderComponent for the column. Here we will call it FirstnameEditCell. First, we create the svelte component FirstnameEditCell.svelte, import it and reference it as our renderComponent.

import FirstnameEditCell from "$lib/components/grid/cells/FirstnameEditCell.svelte"

let columns = [
        key: 'firstname', 
        title: 'First name',
        renderComponent: FirstnameEditCell


Next, we need to add an accessor which allows us to set a value parameter and a onSaveChanges function which will serve as a callback to save the edited data.

! We could also add further parameters. For example we could set a firstname and lastname parameter and allow editing both fields in the same column.

import FirstnameEditCell from "$lib/components/grid/cells/FirstnameEditCell.svelte"

let columns = [
        key: 'firstname', 
        title: 'First name',
        accessor: (row: Client) => {
            return {
                value: row.firstname,
                onSaveChanges: (newValue:string) => {
                    console.log("New value:", newValue, "Old value:", row.firstname);
                    //TODO: Here we are saving the changes into the database
        renderComponent: FirstnameEditCell


Implement The Inline-Edit Component

Then we need to implement the FirstnameEditCell.svelte component:

    export let value: string;
	export let onSaveChanges: (newFirstname:number) => void;
	let isEdit = false;

	function handleSaveChanges() {

{#if !isEdit}
    <span>{value ? value : '-'}</span>
    <button on:click|preventDefault={() => isEdit = true}>
    <input type="text" bind:value />
    <button on:click={() => { isEdit = false; handleEditClick() }}>

The isEdit variable allows the user to toggle the view between display and edit via the buttons. When isEdit is true we are displaying the input where the user can change the value. When the Save-button is clicked, we fire a function that activates or callback to save the data in our database.

That’s it! We implemented an inline-editing column.

Advanced Example

Here you can find an advanced example showing inline editing for text, dates and numbers:

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