Discover the flexibility and power of custom filtering in GridCraft data grid tables. Learn how to implement custom filters tailored to your specific requirements, enabling precise data analysis and manipulation in your SvelteKit applications.
How to Implement Custom Filters
To implement custom filters in GridCraft, follow these steps:
Import the Necessary Types
Define Reactive Filters
Bind Filters to Grid
Define Filter Functions
Example Filters
Text Filter
Implement a filter that filters all data entries by entered search term.
import { Grid, type GridFilter } from "@mediakular/gridcraft";
interface Client {
id: string;
firstname: string;
lastname: string;
age: number;
export let data: PageData;
let clients: Client[] = data.clients;
let textSearch = "";
let filters: GridFilter[];
$: filters = [
// Define text search filter
key: "text-search",
columns: ["firstname", "lastname", "age"],
filter: (row: any, colKey: string) => {
const search = (val: string | null) => val != undefined && val.toString().toLocaleLowerCase().includes(textSearch.toLocaleLowerCase());
return search(row)
active: (textSearch && textSearch.length > 0) ? true : false
<!-- Text Search Input -->
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter Filter Term (Firstname, Lastname, or Age)" bind:value={textSearch} />
bind:filters />
Checkbox Filter
Implement a filter that allows users to filter data based on checkbox selections.
import { Grid, type GridFilter } from "@mediakular/gridcraft";
interface Client {
status: 'active' | 'inactive' | 'pending';
export let data: PageData;
let clients: Client[] = data.clients;
let filters: GridFilter[];
$: filters = [
// Define checkbox filters
{ key: "status-active", columns: "status", filter: (val: any) => { return val != "active" }, active: false },
{ key: "status-inactive", columns: "status", filter: (val: any) => { return val != "inactive" }, active: false },
{ key: "status-pending", columns: "status", filter: (val: any) => { return val != "pending" }, active: false },
// in this case we need to negate the value
$: activeFilterActive = !filters[0].active;
$: inactiveFilterActive = !filters[1].active;
$: pendingFilterActive = !filters[2].active;
<!-- Checkbox Inputs -->
<label for="status-active">
<input type="checkbox" bind:checked={activeFilterActive} on:click={() => filters[0].active = !filters[0].active} id="status-active">
<label for="status-inactive">
<input type="checkbox" bind:checked={inactiveFilterActive} on:click={() => filters[1].active = !filters[1].active} id="status-inactive">
<label for="status-pending">
<input type="checkbox" bind:checked={pendingFilterActive} on:click={() => filters[2].active = !filters[2].active} id="status-pending">
bind:filters />